Best White Noise Machines for Baby & Parents
At Yogasleep, we know that getting a good night’s rest is more than just a nice-to-have. It’s absolutely essential.
Not only do you deserve rest, you need rest. And so does your child. Lack of sleep can cause everything from memory issues to a reduced sex drive, to irritability and trouble focusing.
But getting the right amount of sleep (and achieving deep sleep) is easier said than done if you’re expecting or are a new parent — trust us, we know from firsthand experience.
This is also backed by data; even though it’s proven that not getting enough sleep can be bad for both your mental and physical health, it’s also true that:
Up to 94% of pregnant women reportedly experience sleep disturbances during pregnancy.
New parents may experience a reduction in total sleep time and a disruption in the quality of sleep due to the demands of caring for their child.
As many as 67% of adults report sleep disturbances at least once every night.
That’s why we’ve been intentionally curating a collection of the best baby sound machines and white noise machines on the market for over 60 years and have been trusted by generations of people looking to achieve a more restful night’s sleep.
The Sound of Silence Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be
Leave your baby alone in a silent room and they might fall asleep. But then again, they might not. While it might sound counterintuitive at first, science says that sometimes to get a baby to sleep, you need to make some noise first. (White noise, that is).
Along with dim light, white noise is proven to promote states of rest in babies and children.
That may be because it blocks out other noise, provides consistent noise rather than intermittent bursts of startling noise vs silence, or because it’s simply comforting.
But whatever the reason, we’ve used science to provide the best baby white noise machines available, each of which provides a number of unique features that provide a soothing environment and create a calming sleep sanctuary that ultimately enables you and your little one to get a better night’s rest, every night.
Find the Best White Noise Machine for Baby & You Now
Curious to see which white noise machine is right for you and your kiddos?
Our Hushh 2 is an upgraded version of our award-winning Hushh sleep sound machine for baby and Mom or Dad on the go.
Our Light to Rise Sleep Trainer, Sound Machine, and Night Light offers the convenience of three machines in one! The sleep training feature can be an especially effective way to get your little one to fall and stay asleep because it uses changing colors to help your child learn when to go to sleep and when to get up on their own.
Our Dohm Nova includes a night light and ten fan speeds for a variety of volume settings and individual preferences.
Explore the sounds each of our parent-friendly, baby-centric white noise sound machines provides now.
Still deciding? Compare all sound machines here. Or shop our bestsellers.